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Energy Medicine Summit

November 1, 2021 @ 8:00 AM - November 5, 2021 @ 5:00 PM


Imagine being so in tune with the subtle energies that course through your being that you could assess and treat energetic imbalances on the spot.

Picture yourself releasing challenging energetic buildups and blockages arising from stress, illness, or difficult relationships.

The latest evidence-based research reveals that YOU have the power to restore your energetic balance when you’re feeling off physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

There’s a powerful life-force energy that’s within and all around you at all times. You can activate this well of pure potentiality and gain a higher perspective on your life through the potent workings of energy medicine.

Energy medicine is based on the understanding that physical, mental, and behavioral problems have a counterpart in the body’s energies, and can be treated at this level. It provides a holistic approach to healing — by addressing not only your physical self but by also working with your emotions, past trauma, and your connections to others both present and past.

As you attune to the factors that are muddling your energy, you move closer to the quantum field that holds your true blueprint for divine wisdom.

You can cultivate this exquisite web of energy using therapeutic practices that empower you to access your vagus nerve, release emotional baggage, transform the stored energies created from living through a global pandemic, and much more.

New science-based research shows the myriad ways that we are interconnected energetically, while also supporting the different forms of energy medicine that promote healing. During the Energy Medicine Summit, you’ll learn how to access and activate the electromagnetic web of your body for therapeutic purposes.


Raise the Voltage of Your Electromagnetic Blueprint


At the Energy Medicine Summit, you’ll find immediate support and gain access to some of the world’s foremost teachers on energy medicine, all in one place.

We’re bringing together experts from diverse areas of energy medicine and healing — including acclaimed doctors, researchers, authors, holistic coaches, intuitive energy healers, and true pioneers in this field — so you can replenish every organ and system in your body and deepen your inner peace.

You’ll learn simple energy medicine techniques that can help you heal from the inside out.

You’ll have access to timely techniques — such as ways to clear the energies and emotions of this past year from your lungs — as well as simple practices to understand the meaningful origins of energetic and physical imbalances.

And you’ll be given techniques you can use right away, such as helping you access the vagus nerve, so you have the power to address a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues while the Energy Medicine Summit is taking place.

The Energy Medicine Summit offers a toolkit to help you with issues like boosting your electrical current to improve your immunity…

… and provides the scientific context behind such practices so you can be confident that they’re safe and effective.

You’ll discover how to awaken your life-force energy, while restoring balance, rejuvenating your entire body, and promoting emotional wellbeing and spiritual healing.


Here’s some of what our brilliant teachers will be sharing with you…


Dr. Karen Kan will demonstrate how to quickly seed the quantum field with your desired intentions — to auto-heal all levels of your being.

Eileen McKusick will teach you how to raise the voltage of your electromagnetic energetic field to improve your health, resiliency and immunity.

Mona Delfino will share how her own journey of awakening can serve as a catalyst for liberating your energetic power in these times of profound, accelerating change.

Dr. Shamini Jain will explain how to harness the power of your mind using healing psychoneuroimmunology techniques to foster bioenergetic health.

Maya Shetreat will explore how our physical, emotional, and energy bodies evolved with the support of plants and animals, and why the intricate relationships we have with these living beings are necessary if we wish to be healthy, balanced, and resilient.

Rollin McCraty, PhD, will discuss the latest research on energetic interconnectivity — and how planetary, solar, and cosmic energies affect our emotions, mental functions, health, and behaviors.

Dr. Bradley Nelson will demonstrate how his mind-mapping system works with muscle testing to quickly identify and release harmful emotions.

Dr. Sue Morter will explain how specific energy codes can help you build neurocircuitry to clear subconscious beliefs and embody your true potential beyond beliefs.

Dr. Marie Mbouni will share tools to access your innate divine codes so you can live your dream life by removing blocks in the areas of health, abundance, and relationships.

Beth McDougall, MD, will demonstrate how consciously aligning your pristine blueprint to the interconnected unified field enables radical transformation.

Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza will show you how doing shadow work and aligning with Mother Earth’s energy can help bring you into balance and more harmonious living.


And much more!


Liberate Your Personal Energetic Power


Energy medicine is a portal through which you can learn to become medically intuitive, amplify your personal power, and access the energy that’s imprinted in your DNA.

It also has an impact on health conditions ranging from asthma to viruses, as hundreds of scientific studies prove. Research shows that changing our energy can produce enormous shifts in our health and wellness.

With a wealth of information from leading experts at your fingertips, the Energy Medicine Summit empowers you to discover the tools that work best for you, from tapping and meditation to grounding, yoga, and more.

Plus, you’ll quickly see that working with energy medicine can complement any existing practice and help you achieve greater fulfillment and success in life — for you and your clients.

You’ll find sessions and speakers that will inspire, educate, and empower you… with expertise you can trust! They’ll wade through the misinformation and clearly lay out best practices and reliable resources for this emergent field.


During this groundbreaking 5-day event with more than 30 incredible speakers, you’ll discover:

  • How to align your pristine blueprint with the unified field to radically transform your life
  • Four practices to start activating your inner healer by tapping into “radical intuition”
  • A powerful guided meditation to heal deep subconscious wounds, accessing your soul’s light to release energy that no longer serves you
  • Effective ways to raise the electromagnetic vibrational voltage of your human biofield to increase health, resiliency, and immunity
  • Your soul’s “signature energy,” empowering you to sustain higher levels of consciousness by transmuting shadow aspects
  • How to access your own medical intuitive abilities by clearing blockages that obscure intuitive information about your physical health
  • Simple methods showing you how to quickly access zero-point energy and your inner divine wisdom so you can seed the quantum field with your desired intentions
  • How EFT (a.ka. tapping) can help to regulate your nervous system in minutes, reduce stress and anxiety, and transform chaos to calm
  • How to tap into the vagus nerve to release childhood trauma and stress that created a negative imprint in your energy field
  • Clearing as a gentle but powerful way to create healthy energetic boundaries by releasing other people’s energy and unresolved past issues
  • Ways to open your lungs, shift your alignment, and soften your ribcage, so you can begin to transform and finally discharge the stored energies of this past year
  • How to use “healing keys” to foster health, longevity, and happiness
  • And much more!

Plus, you’re in good hands with summit hosts Vanessa Codorniu, a soul coach and founder of the School of the Healing Artes, and Dr. Christine Schaffner, a naturopathic physician.


Here’s what participants had to say about previous years’ Energy Medicine Summits

“I am so grateful for having an opportunity to hear such experienced, positive, high-vibrational people.”

I am so grateful for having an opportunity to hear such experienced, positive, high-vibrational people. What they do is so incredible for all of us. Thank you!
— Ervelina, Russia

“The summit is a must do.”

The summit is a must do. There are so many facets to maintaining and cultivating helpful energy, and this event always provides practical tips plus powerful inspiration. It’s a perfect combo. Highly recommended.
— Diane Costigan, New York City

“This was a life-changing event for me.”

A wealth of knowledge and tools to help us all throughout our awakening journey. I am impressed with each interview and each speaker. They all brought so much to share with all of us. This was a life-changing event for me. Thank you to all speakers and to The Shift Network for putting this together!
— Julia R.

“Thank you all for sharing these amazing healing tools and practices with the world!”

I did all the practices along with these wonderful experts and teachers and I must say that more often than not, I felt a great shift within me. I’m extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from these talented healers. Thank you all for sharing these amazing healing tools and practices with the world! Love and blessings upon you all!
— Ragga Magg, Iceland

“Excellent presentation on learning new opportunities to better your health in this lifetime.”

Excellent presentation on learning new opportunities to better your health in this lifetime. The hosts of the event were so good and asked all the right questions. Just an overall excellent presentation and so very informative. I am so grateful I am on your list, plus I passed on the summit link to three people and I’m sure they also enjoyed learning more about natural healing techniques. Thank you so very much.
— Shelley Sinclair, Campbell River, Canada

“I am inspired!”

Thank you so much for the Energy Medicine and Healing Summit! After participating in other summits, this is the one that resonated most with me. I found my people! Kris Ferraro was an exemplary host. Her interviews were thoughtful, insightful, and profound. She shared her experiences openly and provided excellent summaries of speakers’ content. Thank you for an excellent summit. I am inspired!
— T.S., Portland, Oregon

“I felt my energy increasing each day as I listened and participated, and by the end I had a permanent smile on my face :).”

This was the most amazing, jam-packed summit. There were so many fantastic speakers with life-changing techniques and ideas. I felt my energy increasing each day as I listened and participated, and by the end I had a permanent smile on my face :).
— Kelly, Canada

“Thank you for sharing such rich, wonderful content!”

This summit is packed with outstanding content and gems of wisdom! The session on channeling from Lee Harris was LIFE-CHANGING and so impactful for me. I thoroughly enjoyed the wide range of topics and expert speakers. Thank you for sharing such rich, wonderful content!
— Meredith Brown, Albuquerque, New Mexico

“I found information and teachings that were perfect for me at this stage on my awakening journey.”

The summit was awesome! I found information and teachings that were perfect for me at this stage on my awakening journey. The world needs this information now more than ever. Thank you for providing such powerful and life-changing content.
— Tammy O., Ontario, Canada

“Exposure to great minds and concepts, all from the comfort of my own home.”

The Energy Medicine and Healing Summit offered an amazing array of speakers and topics. I was so inspired to learn of new areas the healers I follow are exploring. There were so many excellent speakers, and their vast array of topics had something for everyone. Exposure to great minds and concepts, all from the comfort of my own home. The summit was enriching, healing, and educational, and a real value for the money. I loved it, and am grateful for the easy access to all these inspiring guides and teachers!
— Sabrina Mauer, Eugene, Oregon


November 1, 2021 @ 8:00 AM
November 5, 2021 @ 5:00 PM
Event Category:




Shift Network
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